Monday, March 3, 2014

A Gift for Grandma

I was digging around in my "hope chest" recently looking for my children's baby clothes to explore an idea of recreating some of them.  I found a gift that I had given to my grandma nearly 20 years ago.
I remember staying up late in the night in order to sew a gown for my ailing grandmother long after my babies were asleep and hubbie snored in his easy chair.  Since her favorite color was pink, I knew that it had to be made of pink batiste, loose and flowing, as I remembered seeing her in all her housedresses before her health began to fail.  I don't remember how many yards of entredeaux I sewed carefully zigzagging in each little hole to attach the lace.  The puffing was gathered and also zigzagged with great attention.  Flat lace was attached to flat lace and added in another row of entredeaux as well as the gathered gown front.  For embellishment I added a silk ribbon rose.

I always remember her being in "scuff" style slippers so I purchased pink slippers and added a puffed strip of pink batiste that I'd also attached entredeux and lace.  More silk ribbon roses to embelish the tops.

After her death, my aunt brought me a box and told me that grandma loved the gown and lovingly looked and touched the lace and silk flowers.  I didn't realize at the time she wouldn't be able to wear it but the stitches eased the pain in my heart and made me feel like I was helping her feel better.  

Stitching has always been an outlet for me.  Whether creative, therapeutic, or just to keep my hands busy while hubbie channel surfs.  It may be heirloom stitching, smocking or quilting.  No matter what fabrics are being created into a garment or a quilt, the many emotions felt while creating and memories of where you were and what you were doing in that stage of your life is shown in every stitch in that project.

I may just have to wear it myself...

Sending much love and many therapeutic  stitches,

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